As carbon monoxide is a byproduct of burning gas, coal, oil, or wood, the furnace and other home heating appliances can be sources of dangerous leaks. Exposure to the toxic gas can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and unconsciousness, with over 400 Americans dying from accidental carbon monoxide poising each year. To protect your family, follow the advice outlined here.
3 Ways to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
1. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Carbon monoxide alarm on the ceiling
In addition to smoke alarms, you should also have carbon monoxide detectors in the home. As the gas is tasteless, colorless, and odorless, family members might not realize there’s a problem until they are sick. To gauge whether the gas is in the air, the devices should be installed at least five feet from the ground. Place equipment near the furnace, fireplace, and garage—as cars emit carbon monoxide, too. Detectors should also be placed near bedrooms so occupants will be awakened by the alarms at night.
2. Invest in Heating System Maintenance
Preventative HVAC maintenance won’t only reduce the risk of breakdowns, but it will also keep your family safe. For example, technicians could spot a damaged heat exchanger during an inspection. By replacing the cracked component, exhaust fumes containing carbon monoxide won’t leak into the air. They will also check for corroded seams that allow gases to escape and ensure all mechanical components operate smoothly. By improving efficiency, the furnace can complete the combustion process and keep carbon monoxide levels low.
3. Leave Certain Appliances Outside
Gasoline- and charcoal-burning grills and stoves should be for outdoor use only. The appliances need to vent into the open air, as carbon monoxide can build up quickly in confined spaces. The same is true when a car is left running in an attached garage, so turn it off as soon as you park and don’t turn it on again until you’re ready to head out.
For furnace repairs and maintenance to keep your family safe and comfortable during Northeast winters, contact the licensed and insured technicians at Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. With over 40 years of experience serving residential and commercial clients in Southeastern Connecticut and Western Rhode Island, the professionals are qualified to address any issue concerning furnace, heat pump, or AC unit performance. For a service appointment, call (860) 535-2552. Visit them online to browse their heating solutions.
Duncklee Cooling and Heating was originally known as L.H. Duncklee Refrigeration, Inc. Under the leadership and vision of the late founder Les Duncklee, the company was located on the corner of Route 1 and Masons Island Road in Mystic for more than 20 years. Les learned refrigeration in the United States Navy, and with great courage, enthusiasm and perseverance, he took the risk of starting a business while raising his young family in the 1970’s. When Les started the family-owned business in 1973, he was fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to create a business environment founded on professionalism, integrity, high-quality customer service, and fostering employee security. Within one year, he was able to move the business from his home in Pawcatuck to an office building, and hired his first employee. Over the next 40 years, the business experienced many changes, but Les’ vision stayed the same: to provide customers with premier installation design and specialized customer service. Over the years, Les’ leap of faith grew into a successful business that continued to thrive, surpassing his expectations. He was proud of his business and proud of his team. He shared his encouragement and respect on a daily basis both for his team and his son Jonathan, whom he supported when it was time to make changes and help the company grow in new directions. Les regularly inspired and motivated his team to live the American dream.